This Saturday been a very hectic day for me. Huny and I have had lots of appointments attended. It is ok to have had lots of appointments if only it will reside in one place or about near will do so. But appointments made it differ due to the kilometers we have to went through to meet all those. It was just three important meetings. But those three as what I have told held in different places. First at Ortigas next to Paranaque and lastly to GMA Cavite. And appointments are time pressured! What a toxic day. Pity my other half he was so so tired at the end of the day. Literally end of the day we went home around 11:45 pm. He almost took advantages of chances taking a nap even in a tricycle for a 10 minutes less travel. I was so glad and proud for my huny. He tried his best to bears the tiring day. Imagine he came from a graveyard shift. He was awake and functioning from four in the afternoon Friday till eleven forty five in the evening Saturday. An additional strength for him that made him keep standing I guess, was the fact that he now[that day Saturday] have had another accomplishment made for his family. After an accomplishment year 2008 of providing his family or making a better shelter to live on while keeping on providing for his younger sister's education in college.[ Huny is solely the bread winner of his mom and 4 siblings and two nephews] Today Yek now graduates! Another accomplishment that I know he was very very proud of. Good thing to my huny in few years he accomplished things he needed to do. While providing his family he also stand and provide for our future and me alone. Never imagined he would be that responsible when I met him. He was a non focused, not goal oriented, brat and also a freelancer before. He was changed a huge! And I am so proud of him! Kudos to huny! Though Yek once made a mistake disappointing you by having a baby at a young age, you were such a loving brother to hug and help her stand again. So proud of you! I love you more. :D
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