Saturday, May 28, 2011

Happy! Yipee !Yehey!

A title of a noon time show right?! It's actually an expression of gladness. The same way I felt when I received an email from Trixie of Nuffnang. I never expects, as what I have mentioned I am not fortunate in promotions/ contests. Thank God,  me with hubby and some friends can join in the first Nuffamily day! Though it has been cancelled because of the bad weather, I am still looking forward for this adventure re-scheduled on the 4th of June.
Currently a dear friend that going with me in this event facing a big problem. It was a good news for her when I told her that we belong to the list that we can join the family day. I feel great that I somehow cease what she's suffering by giving her this good news and including her to my list that I wanna be with. 
I am so excited for this day to come, to enjoy with friends and hubby. I wish there'll be no hassle came in the way for it be finally pushed through.
Once again thank you Nuffnang!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

First Philipines Nuffamily Day

Why do I love nuffnang?.. I registered as a member here at Nuffnang years ago. I can say am not always as fortunate as others when it comes to contest.I already accepted that long ago when I was still a child. There were no such word as luck but instead a deserving ones. I always join contests here at nuffnang but never did I won. Believe it or not I didn't take that against to hate nuffnang. In fact the more I lose , the more I am eager to  join more contests. It's simply because they did choose for the best. And that supports the fact that I need to improve more to be qualified for that best they chose.  Nuffnang helps me to improve. Gives me ideas and opens opportunities. Other than that it gives me more information and updates. Also I love the way Nuffnang works. The way they held projects for a cause, a contest that has not only good prizes but benefits in life.

This 28th of May 2011 at 2 in the afternoon at Crosswinds Tagaytay will be the first Nuffamily Day here in the Philippines. I have already read about this kind of gathering from Nuffnang in other countries and I guess for this is the first here in the Philippines, well expect it to be a blast. Full of fun,enjoyment and not to mention prizes. This Nuffamily Day event will never be possible with some of the generous sponsors that supports Nuffnang. A special thanks to Pizza Hut, The Picasso Boutique Serviced Residences, Bisolvon, NEO, Mister Donut, Skechers, Del Monte pineapple juice, Jack n Jill, Fit n Right,JAC Liner, Jollibee Hapee.

For the nth time, I may not be lucky to  qualify for the first Nuffamily Day, I am happy to share this to everyone that drops and passes by my blog.
Cross my fingers and toes if fortunately this time I will be lucky, me, my hubby. A fellow blogger mommy Jean and also a blogger friend Ferry with her husband will loves to join the Nuffamily Day and will gonna bring our own transportation with a driver and another blogging friend. It's a total of 7 of us awaiting to be part of the Lifting lanterns this Nuffamily Day!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Back!


It so good to know that BC Blogger is back again! Since my blog is in its lowest momentum as of these days, it's perfectly timing to join at this meme hosted by Paula. I hope and pray that finally I can commit with this meme. To gain traffice for my blog and gain more friends. Friends that I never imagined will be for real all through miles.

For this week question 

“What is one tool, tip, secret (or whatever it may be) that you have discovered  that has helped you in your blogging and would like to share to others?” 
Hmmm.. For me it's the adgitizing tool. Adgitize not only help me to have 100 clicks a day but also the easiest way to blog hop. Since most of the bloggers listed in adgitizing tool were those that also listed in my blogroll. In that way I keep my promises of a daily visit plus the fact that in the future it provides me earnings.

What about you? Join us and share a secret that all of us will be benefited..hihihi

Our Sponsors for this week are: